Gorillz Casper invisible bookshelf | White
The floating bookshelf Casper is a bookshelf and this plank has the effect that the books float when they hang against the wall. This floating bookshelf is ideal for storing your books in a fun and creative way. The bookend is easy to attach to the wall. This invisible bookshelf is super fun to store your books. The effect is special, people who come by will wonder how it is actually possible for the books to float.
Why use a bookend? Almost everyone has books at home, whether it is cookbooks, travel books, reading books or children's books. On this invisible bookshelf you can easily store all your books in a fun and original way. The books are placed on the L-shaped wedge of metal. A small clip clamps around your book and this keeps the books in place on the invisible bookshelf. From now on you can use books as a decoration. With the floating book aid you can also clearly see which books you have in your collection. It is clear and you can easily pick up the book you are going to read. Everyone has a few books at home, use this special shelf to store the books in a trendy way.
This invisible bookshelf is also very nice for the nursery. It gives a kind of magical effect. It seems as if the books are floating, this is very interesting for children to see. It can of course also be used as a decoration for a room. If the books are stored in the cupboard, children cannot see the books well. If the books are present in the room in a fun way, as possible with this invisible plank, children will read more often.
Hang a shelf in the kitchen for cookbooks, a shelf in the children's room for children's books and a shelf in the living room for reading books.
Material: Steel including the mounting material
Easy to attach
Capacity of up to 6 kilos of dimensions: 12x12x10cm